Tuesday, February 07, 2006

This day in music history.

February 7, 1940, Pinocchio premieres at the Center Theatre in Manhattan. It is the follow up to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. One critic called the show, "The happiest event since the war." The movie introduced the songs "When You Wish Upon A Star", Hi Diddle Dee (An actors life for me)" and "Give A Little Whistle".
Give A Little Whistle
When you get in trouble and you don't know right from wrong
Give a little whistle! Give a little whistle!
When you meet temptation and the urge is very strong
Give a little whistle! Give a little whistle!
Not just a little squeak, pucker up and blow
And if your whistle's weak, yell,
"Jiminy Cricket!"
Take the straight and narrow path And if you start to slide
Give a little whistle! Give a little whistle!
And always let your conscience be your guide